he loves his bruises more

The extreme sports boy is one of the more macho types of guys you'll come across in the world of dating. These boys love to live life to the fullest and often take major risks to show off their high tolerance for pain. Of course, they also tend to like to hang with other boys who jump out of planes rather than girls who want to go to cafes, so keep that in mind when you stake one out. Good luck and bring lots of band-aids.
- You don't have to be an extreme girl to date an extreme boy. In other words, don't take up sky-diving if you're afraid of heights. Be yourself with fears and all - that should be enough.
- Be prepared to spend a lot of quality time in the hospital. Extreme sports guys often fall when rock climbing or take a nasty spill when snowboarding. Usually, any boy big into sports will injure himself. It comes with the territory.
- Get cable TV. Your fella will enjoy watching extreme sports on
ESPN2 almost as much as participating in them.
- An evening of watching him skateboard in your neighbor's empty swimming pool does not count as a romantic date. Neither does secretly bungee jumping off a restricted bridge.
- Just because he's extreme in sports, does not mean he's extreme in bed.
- Be supportive. Even when he says he wants to jump out of a plane on a BMX bike while wearing a parachute. Just nod your head and say it sounds like fun. Be careful of the boy who's using you to talk him out of these crazy schemes. If you miss the hint, your next date might be to his funeral.
- He lives on adrenalin. This means your fella probably won't be the mellow type who loves to hang at coffee houses and go to poetry readings. Unless, of course, the poetry readings involve the audience to walk on fire.
- Just like his artistic counterparts, your boy will probably not be interested in pursuing a real career with stocks, 401K plans and a 9-5 schedule. He might be daydreaming about getting sponsored by Nike or Burton Snowboards for his extreme talents.
All contents copyright
© 1998-2006 by Bonnie Burton.
DISCLAIMER: By the way, these tips aren't meant to upset the actual punkers, stoners, musicians, ravers, goths and other types who visit Grrl.com. Sure not all musicians care more about their guitars than their girlfriends, and not all stoners eat tons of Ho-Hos, and not all goths wear black eyeliner, and not all ravers take E. But that's not the point. THIS IS IN JEST AND GOOD FUN. Learn to laugh at yourself a little. After all, not only have I dated all these stereotypes, but at different points of my life I was each of these stereotyoes myself -- except for the Redneck, that is.