July 24, 1998
The Official Ramen Home Page
Ramen isn't just for college kids on a tight budget. This thrifty noodle specialty has plenty of uses. This site has 160 recipes for anyone wanting to explore the gourmet options of ramen. Some of the more outrageous dishes include Mitzi's Chili Cheese Dip, Crunchy Coleslaw, Cream Cheese Ramen and Cookie Ramen. There's also a photo gallery of all the different kinds of ramen. Yum!
Bono the CyberCat
How many cats do you know who have their own Web site? Bono is one of those Web celebs who just happens to be a feline. Read all about this talented cat in his FAQ, or just browse through all the photos of him dressed up in clothes and driving toy cars.
Lost in Space
Lost in Space make the weirdest little videos. The
best movie, entitled Guiness, is one of a fish riding a bicycle.
You won't be disappointed with these bizarre snipets.
You don't have to be James Bond to pick up a nice mini bug detector.
On SpyWorld, there are lots of scramblers, night vision goggles, covert video cameras and lie detectors to choose from. One of the coolest products is cigarette lighter camera. It looks like a cheap lighter, but it's really a tiny camera. Just be careful not to hang out with suspicious smokers.
Liberace Foundation
How in the heck did Liberace play the piano so well with all those rings on his fingers? Check out a site that pays tribute to a fella who knew how to accessorize. The site has photos and a biography of Liberace, as well as an extra-kitschy museum store. Listen to Liberace sing his theme song, "I'll Be Seeing You."
Suffer from intense migranes? Perhaps you need a hole in your head. No kidding. Trepanation is the surgical procedure for putting a hole in one's skull to relieve pressure. It's been around for 10,000 years, and recently people have been taking it into their own hands to do it themsleves. Ouch! This site has historical information, photos of medical equipment used and a listing of people who have done it. On second thought, don't try this at home.
The Corkscrew Pages
These collectors are a bit screwy. Why anyone would want to collect antique corkscrews is anybody's guess. But if you're one of those folks, here's a site on the history of this handy tool. There's also a photo gallery and a library listing dozens of books all about corksrews.
The Jet Lee (Li) Home Page
Jet Li might be a villain in the latest Lethal Weapon movie, but in China he's a national hero. He's been mastering his kicks since he was a wee lad of eight. In fact, when he was a child he traveled to the United States for a special martial arts presentation to then President Richard Nixon. Visit this site for information on his impressive filmography or to watch video clips of Jet in action.
Hi-5 Mechanical Arms
Do you like to high-five around the office, but no one else wants to participate? Buy your own big arm to stick on the wall, and high-five it anytime you want.
And yes, it's as scary as it sounds. You must see the photos on this site to believe the cheese-factor.