Sept. 11, 1998
French Fries site
They're crispy, yellow and oh so tasty. They're french fries!
Go to this site to learn lots of trivial facts about one of the most-loved
fast food side dishes. Did you know that in Portugal they call them batatas fritas and serve them with chili sauce? Find out how to make french fries just like the fast food chains do.
Do you love looking at snapshots in your old family album? Well, if you can't seem to track down those nostalgic memories, borrow someone else's with Photoville. Here you'll find plenty of vintage photographs of some family's favorite relatives, kids and pets. Check out the dangerous family stunts section for a real treat. You can send these photos as Web postcards to your pals, and pretend you have a memorable childhood.
SoundRaider v1.00
Encourage your computer to translate the information on your screen into weird, ambient music. SoundRaider scans your hard drive for WAV sounds and uses them to create weird, original music. You can control it to play what's in all your folders or just the local ones.
Design for Life
Not all knickknacks are tacky. Take, for example, the items on display in the Design for Life exhibit at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in Washington, D.C. Some of the cooler items you'll see include mod portable radios, a penguin-shaped cocktail shaker, children's pop-up books, an artichoke hanging lamp and bizarre, plastic chairs.
Truck Soccer
You don't need a bunch of uppity athletes to play an exciting game of soccer. Just grab some remote-controlled monster trucks, and you've got a team ready to play truck soccer. This game is played as a three-on-three sport, where each team tries to be the first to score ten goals. Out of each team there's a charger, popper and blocker. Play this game a lot so we can get it into the next summer Olympics!
Miss Abigail's Time Warp Advice
Need out-of-date advice on such troublesome issues as dating, marriage, family matters and etiquette? Miss Abigail's Time Warp gains its extensive knowledge of the affairs of the heart, as well as affairs of fashion, good manners and housekeeping, from advice books dating from 1832 to 1977. A couple of the more interesting questions include, "What is the proper way to light someone's cigarette?" and "Can nice girls dye their hair blonde?"
The International Lyrics Server
Thinking of a partial song that's driving you nuts? Look it up on the International Lyrics Server, and you'll be mumbling no more! The search tool helps you track down song lyrics in such genres as pop, rock, country and even showtunes!