Dec. 25, 1998
Best of 1998
Dinky Dog
For all you vintage animation fans comes an obscure blast from the past with Dinky the Dog.
After a recent discovery of three reels of this 1919 cartoon in someone's attic, some
inspiring person took it upon himself to put the whole thing online in a series of
animated GIFs. Now you too can see Dinky the Dog get into trouble in these clever
little vignettes, thanks to that high-tech thing called the Web.
Platform Diva
Some clueless bystanders might call you a fashion victim, but you know better. You're a
platform diva! These are the kinds of shoes that make heads turn and people gasp. Just
don't expect to be able to run away quickly. See all kinds of platforms from the
1600s to the present day.
interFACE Pirate Radio
Listen to the best in cutting-edge dance tracks from this London-based
pirate radio station. By using RealPlayer you can actually see the DJs
spinning records and talking on the mic. Every two hours or so, there's
a new DJ showing off his beat-mixing talents. Don't forget to check out
the chat room, and talk in real time with other listeners.
Crime Boss Comics
Dick Tracy wasn't the only cool crime comic around. Check out Crime Boss Comics
to discover why so many comic book fans would rather collect from this genre than
the typical superhero realm. The cover gallery is the best section by far,
with images from comics such as Murder Incorporated and Crime Doesn't Pay.
Gothic Martha Stewart
Are you a Goth kid or perhaps a fan of whomever decorated the Addams Family mansion?
Then pick up a pencil and take notes as you look through the Gothic Martha Stewart site.
The site shows you how to make no-sew bolster pillows, furniture slipcovers, curtains,
lampshades and more. Find out what Gothic genre suits your home best - Victorian,
Medieval, Techno-modern, Cemetery, Fairy, Asian, Egyptian or Punk. Plus there's
a recipe for faux absinthe to drink when you've finished decorating.
Bizarre Stuff to Make in Your Kitchen
The kitchen isn't just a place to whip up some nachos; it can also be a secret lab
where you play the mad scientist. With this site, relive junior high science
class days with at-home experiments. Concoct strange goo, build a radio from
razor blades or make homemade stink bombs - all from the safety of your own kitchen.
The International Lyrics Server
Thinking of a partial song that's driving you nuts? Look it up on the International
Lyrics Server, and you'll be mumbling no more! The search tool helps you track
down song lyrics in such genres as pop, rock, country and even showtunes!