November 8, 1996
Naked Mole-Rat Colony Cam
Snoop on a family of baby mole rats while they sleep through the Colony Cam. The title says they're naked, but then again most people don't expect to see them wearing little nightgowns and slippers. Check out an updated photo every two minutes, or go deeper into the site to see a rhino being born.
What's in your name demonstration analysis
Shakespeare wasn't the only one who thought about the importance of names and identity. Look up your name to see who you really are and how your body might break down as you grow older. If your name is Fabio, you're considered to be smart among your peers, but a physical weakness will occur in your bronchial tract.
Bill Plympton Online
Those obscure animations with the funky little tune featured on MTV are now online. Read all about Bill's twisted beginnings as an illustrator, or read his tips on surviving in the world of independent film and video.