December 13, 1996
Rudolph had a glowing red nose to guide the sleigh to safety; for a mere $500, you can have a bra that twinkles red lights to guide you to serious gawking. You'll be the center of attention at nightclubs, or you can go hang gliding at night and be mistaken for a UFO. The choices for making the most of your CyberBra are endless.
The Ranma 1/2 Page
Ranma 1/2 is a popular Japanese animated cartoon with characters that turn into panda bears and small pigs. Almost all the fighters are young girls who know how to battle just as rough as the boys. One of the characters, Shampoo, is described as "a cute, uninhibited, acrobatic, ruthless, violent Chinese girl."
The MayKorner Personality Test
By describing your favorite color, explaining which animal you want to be, what you feel when you picture the color white and what you think of when you see a waterfall, you can depict your personality to a T. Be careful how you envision waterfalls, or you may have to consult Freud.
Nikki's 1996 AOL Collection
If you're sick of getting all those America Online subscriber disks in the mail, try recycling them by making Christmas tree ornaments, picture frames and gift tags. Nikki explains in detailed directions how to make the disk craft, the total expenses involved and the items required.
KPIG Radio
Lose yourself in the cyber sty known as KPIG Radio. As one of the first radio stations to broadcast online, KPIG plays alternative bands such as Wilco and Chris Isaak while also staying true to the legends, such as Johnny Cash and Jimmy Buffett. Spy on the deejays as they spin music from the Ham Cam.