January 10, 1997
Rhyme Dictionary
Roses are red, poppies are orange, . . . hey, what the heck rhymes with orange? Makeshift poets can find the rhymes to impossible words like umbrella, orange and others. Or try to stump the computer with words you think will never end up in a sonnet. Roses are red, violets are purple, I drink milk that is left out to curdle?
Spungifeel Comix and Somedaze Cartoons
The Quiggly Boy, Crazy Mr. Jivey and Little Big Belittled Man all have strange tales to tell in their comic book landscapes. Read samples of comic book artist T. Weier's work and learn about his many characters trying to survive in their episodic dreamlands.
Vespa Scooter Obsession
Forget all about the great American car and hop on a nice European Vespa
motorscooter. One man's vehicle has become another man's two-wheeled
obsession. Read an essay about scooter restoration, or look up scooter rides in the Northern California Scooter Council events calendar. If you
are looking for a scooter to buy, scan the list of vintage Vespa serial
numbers spanning from 1946 to 1966.
The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
Bob McCoy, the museum's curator, has gathered a veritable encyclopedia of
the world's most inane and useless information about how to cure what ails
you. Many of the items in the museum, located in Minneapolis are
on loan from the American Medical Association, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, the St. Louis Science Center and the National Council
Against Health Fraud. Some of the things in the museum include soap that
sudses off pounds, weight-reduction glasses and a foot-powered breast enlarger.
Riot Nrrrds
Move over Riot Grrrls, there are some geeks coming around the corner and
they sure are angry. A nrrrd can be "someone who has a life outside of
computers but who regards techno-gadgetry, hacking and coding to be
essential to everyday life." Read about Cyber-Hinduism and the Church of the
SubGenius in the Religiosophy section, or play Mastermind and Celebrity
Painter in the Java games section. The site also has its own zine called
Fluf, with rants by a very angry young nrrrd.
The Women of 1970's Punk
Before angry female singers such as Courtney Love and Gwen Stephani took
over the alternative music scene, women such as Nina Hagen and Lene Lovich
were blasting boys off the stage with their version of angsty punk music two
decades ago. This site explains the history behind infamous punk girl bands
including the Slits, X-Ray Spex, Crass, the Mo-Dettes and many others. No
band is complete without an image, so go to the punk fashion section to see
why designer Vivienne Westwood was so important. There is also a Women in Ska music
section for those rude girls online.
The Long Hair Site
Lasses with long locks are the centerpiece of this site. When you have extra-long hair, you have to know how to take care of it. This site has hair tips, right down to the proper way to wash it all. Read interviews with girls who have long hair to find out the problems they face, including getting their hair stuck in car doors. Ouch!
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