Jan. 19, 2001
Pat Sajak
Sure you recognize him as the chipper host of America's most beloved game show, "Wheel
of Fortune," but how much do you really know about Pat Sajak? Did you know he worked for the Pentagon?
He also worked as a motel desk clerk, weatherman and an Armed Forces deejay.
Watch candid video clips of Pat hanging out with his wife, singing at a baseball game,
and guest hosting with Kathie Lee Gifford. Read his biography. Browse through his photo album. And
don't forget to email him a nice note when you're through.
Puppet Unleashed
Do you miss that cocky little sock puppet dog from Pets.com?
Well, stop your sobbin', because now you can watch some unreleased video clips
of the sock puppet trying to catch a cab and get
past a doorman.
Cinema Diabolico
Nothing goes better with vampires than a mob of masked Mexican wrestlers
led by the superhero El Santo. Check out this
extensive collection of Mexican movie poster art from the 1950s
and '60s. You might be surprised how "out-there" some of these movies are.
Muy bueno.
Jargon-Free Web
Do you use phrases like best-of-breed, mission-critical, turnkey, B2C and
customer driven in your reports? Maybe you really need to pass your next
memo through the Jargonator to see how it rates. You might actually be right up there with the
best of the best. Or is that the worst of the worst?
Do you see what I see?
You get a groovy login name and a chance to pen
your thoughts about the scribbles you see.
It's much more creative than those pesky psychology tests,
and no one will call you crazy for seeing flying cats in all the
Jezebel's Mirror
Take a photo of yourself in anything reflective and send it off to
Heather Champ. As the Web curator of 500 self-portraits, she shows us that we can see
the beauty in ourselves bouncing off of
mirrors, windows and polished
Jimmie Walker
He's dy-no-mite! No really, he is.
As J.J. Evans from the cult classic TV series
"Good Times," he made us laugh, laugh, laugh.
Now see what this comedian/actor is up to these days.
You might be suprised to learn that he's in hot demand.