March 2, 2001
The Sopranos on Location
So you like the hit HBO mafia series "The Sopranos," do ya?
If you're a real fan, you probably would love this site.
It goes it great detail where different scenes from the
show are shot. Learn all about Satriales Pork Store,
Bada Bing Club, Tony's house and more.
Interactive Ralph Wiggum
As the only kid on "The Simpsons" who eats paste and
wants to go to Bovine University, Ralph Wiggum sure
has some interesting things to say. Type phrases into
the box and get ready to hear Ralph lay some deep thoughts on you.
Screen It! Music Reviews
These kids today sure do cuss a lot. Heck, even Sheryl Crow
sounds like a troubled potty-mouth after reading the music
reviews on this Web site. Screen It! is a site that reviews
CDs and rates them based on whether the music refers to
alcohol, drugs, sexual situations, disrespectful/bad attitude,
violence, guns, imitative behavior and profanity. Heck, they
even let you know if the album cover art is offensive. It's fun
to read reviews of bands that you think are squeaky clean, only
to find out they're just as scary as Black Sabbath.
Poor Hootie & the Blowfish.
Da Mob Name Generator
Did you join a new "organization" recently and need an
impressive "family" name? Fill out the short survey
on Da Mob Name Generator and find out what your new
crew should be calling you. Based on your current appearance,
favorite beverage, and notable personal habits, you'll
get a new nickname that even a Soprano can respect. You
can now refer to me as "Bigfoot" Burton.
Not My Desk
If you're a temp, you'll appreciate this site for all
things temporary in the work place. Read movies and
book reviews about being a temp worker, and check
out the field guide which covers topics like job
stress, finding the right job, commuting, office politics and more.
Frontline: Merchants of Cool
If middle-aged marketers desperate to sell to teens scare you,
then visit this site for a good scream. Frontline "went undercover"
to find out what it takes to effectively market cheap wares to teens
with cash to burn. The best section is the "What's It Like Hunting For "Cool?"
You can follow around a young marketer as she searches for
"what's going on" with those kids today.
Eric Conveys an Emotion
While some people have problems expressing themselves,
Eric loves to show his emotions. Heck, he even photographs
himself in moments of happiness and confusion for your
entertainment. Watch the many faces of Eric, or suggest
an emotion for him to feature online.