April 20, 2001
Sometimes love makes you the fool, while other times it makes you the
psychotic freak who can't help but leave loads of scary messages on your ex's
voicemail. Such is the case on Psychoexgirlfriend.com. Apparently this is the real
deal. Some poor bloke broke up with his girlfriend who then proceeded to leave
voicemail after angry voicemail about everything from his lack of
compassion to asking a long laundry list of stuff returned. And lucky for you, all
53 voicemail messages are available to listen to on the site. Some of the
messages are funny, while others are downright creepy. Take the "Is Your Girlfriend
Psycho" quiz and be sure to also check out the "All Your Cats Are Belong to Mark"
shirt in the T-shirt store.
George Bush Loves You
Just type in your full name and find out how much President George W.
Bush loves you.
It really works! I just discovered George loves me 88%. Hubba hubba.
I hope First Lady Laura doesn't mind.
Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers
There's no question about it. Kenny Rogers is one sexy fella.
But the chances of running into The Gambler are pretty dang slim.
So why not drool over a few Kenny lookalikes instead? Browse the Kenny
wannabes gallery or just focus on the Kenny of the Month. Heck, there's
a guide on how to look like Kenny yourself. Don't forget to copy down
the yummy
corn muffin recipe available on the site.
Adbusters: TV Turnoff Week
Sick of all the lame game shows on the telly? Need a break from staring
at the little
white dots on your TV screen? Now's your chance to rejoin the human
race, outside of your living room! On April 23-28, give yourself a
challenge and
go without TV for a whole week. Read a book, do some mail art, start a
zine, or go play
with your neglected pets! Just do something that doesn't involve staring
at your TV for hours
on end. Read some helpful articles on the Adbusters site about how you
can kick the
TV habit for seven days.
WebCam 709
Who says hamsters can't be Web celebs? And these cuddly critter are so
darned cute.
Meet Tokyo's own Ronalda and Bianca. Choose from all kinds of cute
hamster images to wallpaper your
computer, or just watch a movie of the darling duo in action.
Bjork Remix Web
If you think of yourself as the ultimate Bjork fan, you might want to
pay a visit
to the Bjork Remix Web site. Here you'll find more than 600 remixes of
her songs created by
talented fans. Each remix can be downloaded or streamed, and have
ratings and
comments by visitors. Now that's a Hyperballad!
Disquiet: Audio Games
It's a regularly updated list of "audio-games" - online toys that let
play with sound. Zap the vinyl invaders or spin multiple MP3 files.
Hours of
fun for your brain and your ears.
Monkey Vs. Robot
Here's a nice music video of a freak in an ape suit
and a weirdo in a robot costume fighting. Quality entertainment.
I love the Web.