Mail a Meal
If you're hungry for a glazed ham or daydream about savoring a hot fudge sundae
at work, then visit this virtual food site. Send friends and family members
postcards depicting delicious morsels of food such as rack of lamb, deep dish pizza and
chocolate mint cake. There is also a beverage section so you can stare at photos of
martinis and draft beer.
Mysterious Places
Explore ancient cities known for their mysterious history. Marvel at the stone faces at Easter Island
or try looking for Merlin at Stonehenge. Each section to a mysterious place has a brief summary of the
area and related links. The site has plenty of photos to help you decide whether you ever want to visit these
unusual places in real life.
The Center for Advanced Whimsy
Artist and illustrator Rodney Alan Greenblat shows off his unusual style in this whimsical place.
Meet some of his animated characters, play with an interactive iguana, or look up some of the
children's books he's illustrated,
including Thunder Bunny and Slombo The Gross.
John Labovitz's E-zine List
Don't waste your time hanging out at the newsstand on the corner when you can access
hundreds of quality electronic zines online. John Labovitz takes the time to organize
the zines in categories such as cyberculture, humor, death, travel, sports, underground and many, many others.
If you know exactly which zine you want to read, you can
search his list by title.
The Official Sandwich Homepage
Why make an ordinary BLT when you can make a spinach, corned beef and
brie sandwhich? Design a sandwich no one would dare eat in reality and then
name it after yourself for visitors to see in the gallery. After you submit your
sandwich idea, you'll receive an official sandwich design certificate via email.
Driveways of the Rich & Famous
Move over, Robin Leach! John Cunningham hosts a show where he presents celebrity driveways,
not homes. Not only does John take photos of the driveways, he interviews Woody Allen's doorman,
Regis Philbin's maintenance man, and celebrity deliverymen. Others include Gloria Estefan's neighbor's
gardener, Gianni Versace's street sweeper, and Sylvester Stallone's neighbor. The site has quotes from
celebs talking about their own driveways, and recipes from neighbors.
The Official Dallas Cheerleader Fan Club
Game spirit is always in the hands of the cheerleaders. Meet Stacie, Hollie, Pennie, Nicki
and the rest of this year's crop of Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. Discover what these beautiful pom-pom
girls do in their spare time or read about Camp DCC, where you can send little girls to learn about cheering.
Motel Magazine
One large, bouncing robot greets you when visiting this literary zine full of stories and art.
Most of the articles that appear in the zine have to do with science and travel, with a dash of humor.
Read about Cryonic Suspension, time travel, helpful hints for the technologically impaired,
and a visit with Elvis.
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