Oct. 26, 2001
The 7 Deadly Sims
The last time you played the video game The Sims did you notice that your house was lacking something special, like an Endless Beer Pour Lamp or a white tiger rug? Thanks to the Seven Deadly Sims site you can download everything from a tacky leg lamp to a suave Tiki patio set for your Sims house. Your virtual roommates will be so happy when they notice the new snowy llama shrub in the backyard!
Always wanted to own a classic motorcycle or Sega Dreamcast but didn't think you could afford it new? If you don't mind your newly purchased items having a criminal history, you can always snag some pretty nice stuff at PropertyRoom.com. Sure it might have been involved in a police chase, or been used by a gangster, but that's half the fun. Unfortunately, the site doesn't tell you how the items ended up in the property rooms of various law enforcement agencies, but you can always pretend. You can also visit StealitBack.com and search the database by serial numbers for any stuff stolen from you.
Miniature World
Watch where you step or you might crush a tourist trap - a very tiny tourist trap. At Miniature World site you take mini-tours (hahahahaha) of the various things you might see at the real Miniature World in Victoria, British Columbia. Gaze at the tiny wonderment of a space mining operation or search for fairies at FantasyLand. The photos are great because the put humans right next to the landscapes to really give you an idea of how small these handcrafted worlds are. Circus World is the scariest photo tour because it looks like a giant mother is about to pounce on the clowns at any moment. The only thing this place is missing is Godzilla.
Hey Day Girls
Okay so you're bored. Now what? Check out Keva and Clea's site to get some ideas on turning oh-hums into a-has! These ultra-hip chicks used to run Foxy magazine, but now they're just having fun on their own. Read about George (their dog), guitar chords to learn and stickers to make. Also be sure to check out the book they published (it looks like a cool zine inside) that gives you pointers of fun stuff to do every day of the year.
Gas Price Watch
Does it seem like you're spending more on gas than you did on your car? I suggest walking more, but if you're stuck in Suburbia or the mountains, and there's just no way you can get anywhere without having to walk for miles, then look for the cheapest gas stations in your area with Gas Price Watch. Just type in your zip code and how many miles the radius is you want to go searching and BAM - cheap gas for you.
Plants and Your Cat
Morning Glories and kitties do not mix. In fact, if your cat eats the wrong plant, you could end up with a very sickly feline on your hands. So which plants are poisonous and which are safe for Fluffy to roll in? Find out here, plus get tips on how to treat your cat if she does manage to munch on your Mother-in-Law Tongue plant.
MTV plays music videos still, right? Sometimes it's hard to tell. But it looks like now they want to make their core market of 14-year-old girls feel extra special by giving them their own section. This site has music info, celeb gossip, beauty tips and boy band photos. Plus it's full of tampon and acne cream ads.
The Feathered Back Hair Site
Farrah Fawcett made this hairstyle look so sexy that we (meaning myself and many other fashion-challenged girls) all tried to emulate it in junior high. The problem is only a few actresses from the 70s made it look great. The rest of us looked like we were attempting the female mullet. For all of you out there who tried the feathered look and failed, walk down memory hair lane on this site. Viva la curling iron and comb!