Feb. 8, 2002
Retro Recipes
Anyone who has eaten my infamous pancake fried chicken, or my Jell-O Rainbow cake, knows that I love cooking from vintage cooking books. With all this healthy stuff on the market, sometimes you just need to indulge in a meal fit for Elvis. That's why I love this site. Not only are there a few recipes here for heart-attack helpers like Mozzarella Eggs and Deep-Dish Hamburger Pie, the site features images of the actual photo recipe cards! My favorite section is the Creepy Cakes. Oh how I long to bake the Princess Party Cake!
The Internet Museum of Flexi Records
For those of you who still remember having a crappy record player as a kid, you probably also remember trying to play those flimsy, free records that came attached to issues of Mad magazine and inside sugary cereal boxes. This is a special tribute to those cheap, plastic records.
Paloma: Now and Then
Just because you used to be a punk rocker, doesn't mean you can't be a suburban soccer mom now. Paloma McLardy, aka drummer Palmolive of the Slits and the Raincoats, has come out of hiding. She's a church-going mom living in Massachusetts with three kids and a hubby named Dave. Read an interview with Paloma as she talks about breaking up with Joe Strummer, songwriting and splitting from the Slits, astral projection, Malcolm McLaren, teaming up with the Raincoats, finding Jesus and playing the drums again. Check out the sound clips of her new band, Hi-Fi.
The Lederhosen Museum
There are a couple of times in my life where I wish I knew how to speak German. This is one of those times. Look at the fancy pants on this site! Move your cursor over an image of the pants to see the backside. And if you know German, than you're in luck, because all the info about the lederhosen is in German. *sigh* It's still a great site to find some classy britches.
I don't care if this site is tasteless. It's pretty funny to see President George W. Bush as a Maxim-type pin-up model. He must work out.
TV Barn
If you can't live without your TV, then you'll probably appreciate all the TV-related news, reviews and gossip on TV Barn. You can read on to find out which shows are being cancelled and which new shows are about to debut. Get the dirt on your favorite anchor news journalists, or just rant and rave on the message boards about the smackdown between NPR host Terry Gross and Gene Simmons from KISS.
Life's 60 Wackiest Covers
It seems like Life magazine has been around forever. Here's a collection of some of the weirder covers of the magazine depicting everything from a bikini-clad woman walking her pet deer to a geisha girl bowling. My favorite one is the Pee-Wee Herman cool party tips issue. If you have that one, I'll trade you something for it!
Crime Scene Cleaners, Inc.
If there's been a recent murder in your building, or you just can't get all that fingerprint dust out of your favorite lounge chair, try calling these guys. They specialize in the removal of contaminated items in distressed properties, Methamphetamine lab contamination cleanup,
blood and body fluid disposal, Hantavirus prevention and of course, fingerprint dust removal. I don't know if this is a legit site or not, but I hope I never have to find out.