February 14, 1997
You Eat Like a Pig
If you visit Croatia and someone says to you at dinner, "Jedes kao svinja," then you've just
been insulted. Learn how to tell people that they eat like pigs in over 45 languages,
including Norwegian and Swahili.
Bark vs. Bite Trivia Game
Do you know the difference between a Bouvier des Flandres and a Basenji? Which dog's name means
"monkey-like terrier" in German? Take a simple quiz from the site celebrating the 121st Annual Westminster Kennel
Club Dog Show. You canteach a dog new tricks.
Smug Magazine
You don't have to be snooty to read Smug magazine. Browse over the witty
record reviews, or read an article about the odd angle behind search engines.
The magazine includes something for every alternative trendsetter.
The Animated American Sign Language Dictionary
Learn to say phrases such as "I love you" and "I don't know" in sign language
with this helpful animated dictionary. The site also shows you how to sign
common words such as girl, clean, yes, water, life and many more.
A Mardi Gras Guide for New Orleans
If you couldn't make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, wander through this
guide to see photos and video clips of what you missed. The site has plenty of bad
MIDI music playing in the background so you can pretend you're catching beads in
the middle of the parade.
Bartolomeo Mecanico
Bartolomeo Mecanico skips taking pictures of his family on vacation
and snaps photos of street signs instead. He has a nice collection of children playing,
men at work, and falling-rock signs from Europe.
Hollywood Stock Exchange
Use two million Hollywood dollars to buy thousands of movie stocks
and star bonds and build up your financial portfolio. Every month you might
win prizes, depending on how well your fake stock did. Characters such as your personal
broker, Max and Mac Daddy will help you along the way.
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