May 23, 1997
Atari Game of the Month
Before Sega and Sony saturated the game market with Sonic the Hedgehog and Quake, there existed
funny little games such as Centipedes and Hamburger Time from Atari. This is a site dedicated to those old games
that we played before all these fancy-schmancy games took over. The game this month is Eggomania. The
object of this game is to catch the falling eggs from a flying chicken with what looks like a bedpan on your
character's head. In the bonus round, if you manage to throw the eggs back at the chicken, her feathers
fall out, revealing that she's wearing boxer shorts.
The Mars Shop
If you can't afford a New York apartment, how about some prime real estate on Mars?
For $19.99, plus $1.51 for Martian tax, you can own 2,000 acres of Martian property.
You'll also receive a Martian Constitutional Bill of Rights, a deed, a sight map showing the
approximate location of your property, and a copy of the Declaration of Ownership that is filed
with the United States government.
Miss Universe
It's not the tiara or the swimsuits that matter, it's that inner beauty in each delegate.
Even though the Miss Universe pageant is over, the Web site lives on.
Miss USA, Brook Mahealani Lee from Hawaii, won it this year almost soley because of her answer
to the finalist question, "What would you do if you could be crazy one day without having to follow
any rules?" She answered, in an interesting jab at Donald Trump, "I'd eat everything I saw, twice!"
Miss Trinidad responded with a cryptic reply of, "I'd wear clothes." Meet all the delegates,
including the attitude-driven Miss Italy and the dead-ringer for Pamela Anderson Lee, Miss Estonia.
The Puffy Village
No, this isn't a site full of marshmallow people and inflatable furniture. But this site
can't be explained in simple terms. The Puffy Village has photos of celebrities with
antlers, scary information about radiation and images of weird animal hybrids that simply don't exist,
such as the chickaraffe.
Mary's Doll Page
Barbie isn't the only doll with class and attitude. Jill, Ginny and Muffie are hard-plastic
dolls girls played with before Barbie came along and altered body image for everyone. Learn all about
the Arranbee and Madame Alexander dolls, or just gaze at the pretty pictures of these antique dolls.
Hello Dollywood
Forget Disney World and Six Flags, when Dollywood is all you need! Read an essay written by someone
who arrived after the theme park closed, yet had just as much fun in the gift shop buying Dolly Dollars.
The Impersonators
These people could be the long-lost twins of Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and
Frank Sinatra. There's even a very convincing Barbra Streisand impersonator who's really a man.
Find your favorite celebrities to see if their impersonators look better than they do.