June 20, 1997

The Official Marching Band Dictionary
Did you play in high school band? Were you plagued by nightmares of falling out of step while marching on the field at the Superbowl? Perhaps you, and only you, can appreciate this marching band dictionary. Learn important terms such as band party and slouching. This isn't a serious dictionary by any sense of the word, but you might giggle a little from memories of playing the piccolo on a field early in the morning.

Geeky School Photo Contest
Do you hate the third grade school photo of you beaming in your Cub Scout uniform? Put your embarassment to good use and enter the Geeky School Photo Contest. Sumbit your most humiliating photo and join the ranks of those who were geeks before it was cool to be one.

Misunderstood Lyrics
Do you like the song from the band Bauhaus called, "Bill the Goose is Dead," or Aerosmith's hit song, "Love with an Alligator"? Do deejays snicker at you when you request certain songs? Chances are you've misunderstood song titles and lyrics, as all of us have at one time or another. Find out what your favorite bands have been mumbling all these years and laugh at other people's misconceptions with this database full of popular songs. Next time, you won't ask the record store clerk for a copy of that great song, "Lucy is this guy named Linus."

Red Meat
You don't have to be a carnivore to appreciate the Red Meat comics site, but it might help. This official site promoting the comics of Max Cannon has an archive of his best stuff, reviews of his work, and rather unusual meat recipes such as jellied-beef mold. Try your hand at playing the Johnny Lemonhead Game, or read an interview with Max revealing all his deep, dark secrets about his pets.

Squirrel Hazing
You have no idea what kind of peer pressure squirrels face every day of their short little lives. Imagine if you were forced to stuff your face with as many acorns as possible, or if you had to run in front of cars while being chased by the neighborhood dogs. Here's a page that investigates the horrors a squirrel must face in order to be accepted by his clan. It's not a pretty tale, but it needs to be told.

Rejected State Mottos
No one pays attention to state mottos unless he is stuck in traffic and likes to read them on license plates. Now's your chance to read rejected mottos that may have driven tourism to, or away from, selected states. North Carolina's rejected motto is, "Five million people, 15 last names." Can you guess which state has the rejected motto of "We're lucky we can spell it"?

The Tackiest Place in America Contest
Forget the Grand Canyon and Statue of Liberty. For tips on where real Americana can be found, see the contestants in the Tackiest Place in America Contest. From buildings made entirely of corn to a thirty-foot plastic lobster, America has some of the best, or shall we say worst, places to visit during your next roadtrip. Two of the most interesting places include a house covered in beer cans and Carhenge.

500 Ways to Annoy Your Roommate
Sick of cleaning up after your lazy roommate? Tired of watching your roommate eat your food without asking? Now you can get revenge with a new tip every day on how to annoy your roommate. This database of over 500 ideas will have your roommate packing, or least on her way to group therapy. Try moving all your living room furniture to one side of the room. Ask your roommate if she knows how much an elephant weighs, then look at the floor on the empty side of the room with concern. Or if you sleep in the top bunkbed, sleep face down under your mattress and stare at your roommate all night through the springs.

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