September 13, 1996
Disgruntled Magazine
A business magazine for people who have to work for living. Disgruntled combines news, features, satire, and commentary about the dark side of work. Read both serious and humorous diatribes from workers who hate their jobs.
Pig Latin Converter
Ool-cay age-pay! Send your favorite URL through this Pig Latin filter for a good laugh. Enter in Microsoft and the FBI pages for a real treat.
Enter in your office or home phone number and out comes an interesting selection of words to remember your number. Use it as an ice breaker at parties or a way to impress dates.
My Apartment is Cooler Than Yours
If you had a warehouse to decorate and half a dozen mannequins lying around, your place might end up looking like Jamie's home.
The Movie Cliches List
Deja vous at the movies? Sometimes Hollywood can be low on the originality scale when it comes to action plots and romance scenes. If you think a car chase in the middle of New York City during rush hour traffic is improbable or wonder why people look at the phone before they hang it up as though they can seethe person at the other end, then visit this site!
The Boss is Coming Panic Page
If you're not slaving away in the cubicle like a good little elf, here's a Web page designed to look like you've been working on a spreadsheet all morning. How very Dilbert.
Fire Walking
Hot, hot, hot! Do not attempt this at home, and if you do be sure to do it outside.
The First Burlingame Museum of Pez Memorabilia
Candy coming out of the necks of clowns, a nightmare or merchandise dream? Which is scarier, the Papa Smurf or the stewardess?
T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project
There's nothing cuter than a Twinkie in a cowboy outfit.
T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. stands for Tests With Inorganic Noxious Kakes In Extreme Situations.
See a series of experiments designed to determine the threshold of the popular kid snack, the Twinkie.