August 22, 1997
Nodders Bobbing Heads Dolls
The last time you saw a bobbing-head doll was probably at a yard sale or on your grandfather's
dashboard. Now you can take a gander at these peculiar toys, online. On this Web site you'll see
plenty of photos of bobbing-head dolls in the forms of animals, tennis players and hula girls.
MMF Haiku
Sick of all those Make Money Fast messages spammed all over the Net? Now you can put your
hatred of junk email toward a creative end. Join other poets online as they
sumbit haikus, all with MMF scams as a theme.
Here's the gift for the person in your life who already has everything.
This astounding gadget is a must for anyone who really cares about personal hygiene.
The pick allows you to clear your nostrils and teeth of debris at the same time. Made of "fine
pewter," the pick comes with handy instructions so you don't confuse which end to use where.
A Different Kind of House Cleaning
Do you notice a nasty build-up of psychic residue
on your furniture and in your carpet? Perhaps you need to do some psychic house cleaning.
Get tips here on how to make sure your house isn't harboring any dark spaces.
Cleanse a room by putting a small amount of salt in the corners of the floor, or on sunny days
open the windows and "invite" the air in.
Flamingo Surprise home page
How would you like to wake up in the morning to a front yard full of
flamingos and pigs? For a modest sum, the folks at Flamingo Surprise will
fill your friend or enemy's lawn with 50 plastic birds, farm animals,
dinosaurs, teddy bears, mutant frogs and more.
Evolve Design
Not all Web sites look good under a microscope, but Evolve Design does.
Webmaster and designer Marc Wilcox has constructed his site to look like
some sort of artistic DNA experiment. Scan his portfolio, or go straight for
the jugular and look up his personal interests. I spent an an hour on his site
and discovered that his favorite RubberMaid product is the bathtub daisies and that
he owns a red couch.
The Neato Donkey Page
If the only donkey you've ever seen is Pooh Bear's animated friend, then trot
over to the Neato Donkey Page. Here you can learn how to make a great pet out
of a donkey and get tips on the donkey's preferred diet and environment. There's even a
donkey pedicure section.