March 20, 1998

The Sync Online Film Festival
Can't make it to the Sundance Film Festival? Are you too broke to attend Cannes? Maybe you should just stay in your seat and go to Sync instead. Here you'll find the best mini-movies made by online video artists and animators in the categories of animation, documentary, experimental and narrative. If you think you can do better than these artsy whippersnappers, then find out how you can enter your own cinematic masterpieces.

Just because you're dead doesn't mean you have to stop gloating. With View-logy you can transform a simple gravestone into a multimedia experience. It's a visual eulogy electronically stored on the gravestone itself. This way you can put photos of Granddad as a kid and a recording of his voice that says how happy he is in his new resting place. Either that or you can program it to scare off stray dogs from digging him up.

The World's Best Bubble Wrap Home Page
Are you one of those annoying people who feel compelled to pop bubble wrap as soon as you open a package? Did you know there is a certain etiquette involved in popping bubble wrap? Perhaps you need to take a look at this site dedicated to bubble wrap fans everywhere. Learn bubble wrap diagnostics and manners. Improve your method and style of popping. Or just pop for joy on the virtual bubble wrap section. Pop, pop, pop!

Bambi Killers Page
Some people have too much pent-up angst, so they attack harmless, fluffy creatures to feel better. On this site, which happens to be a parody, you'll read helpful essays on how to get children interested in hunting. This is a complete guide for urban hunters, complete with a guilt page to help you cope with killing cuddly animals.

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