he loves his angst more

Punker boys are a bit .
. . shall we say, angsty? So you can imagine how
difficult it is to date this kind of fella.
Stereotypically, punkers tend to fight a lot, mosh at
concerts and pierce plenty of body parts. They also
tend to live in the past, since the real punk movement
sorta died out in the '80s. Here's a few pointers on
how to keep your unstable Sid Vicious in his
semi-happy place.
- Don't expect your oi-boy to dress up for your
dates. His idea of non-casual wear might just be a
shiny new pair of Doc Marten boots.
- Be careful of the Vyvyan ala Young Ones type. The
kind of punker boy who finds entertainment value in
beating up his roomies probably won't be too
compassionate towards your needs.
- Most punker boys like to be pierced in various
places. This can be cool and sometimes grotesque at
the same time. Don't get pierced just to keep up with
him. Same goes for tattoos.
- Watching him beat up frat boys in a mosh pit at
an all-ages show does NOT constitute as a romantic
- If he spends more time fixing his mohawk than a
girl would on her hair style, he's probably a bit too
obsessed for your liking. However, if you know the
secret of keeping a mohawk from getting bent at a
Fugazi show, then he'll probably marry you.
- Know the difference between a skinhead, punker,
straight-edge and other various punker types BEFORE
you date them. This helps when you try to figure out
if you're dating a fashion skinhead or a fascist.
- Just because he's a punker doesn't mean you have
to be a punker girl, too. Be yourself.
- Don't ever say that Rancid or Green Day are punk.
You'll regret it.
- Punkers like to destroy things as a rule. Don't
let him near your minature glass animal collection if
you can help it.
All contents copyright
© 1998-2006 by Bonnie Burton.
DISCLAIMER: By the way, these tips aren't meant to upset the actual punkers, stoners, musicians, ravers, goths and other types who visit Grrl.com. Sure not all musicians care more about their guitars than their girlfriends, and not all stoners eat tons of Ho-Hos, and not all goths wear black eyeliner, and not all ravers take E. But that's not the point. THIS IS IN JEST AND GOOD FUN. Learn to laugh at yourself a little. After all, not only have I dated all these stereotypes, but at different points of my life I was each of these stereotyoes myself -- except for the Redneck, that is.