Grrl Zine - Issue #5 GRRL #5 - Drag Queen issue

This time, GRRL pays tribute to drag queens, transsexuals and transvestites. Lots of fun images, make-up tips and even a few paper dolls. This is the MEGA-double issue with 130 pages!

Here's what Factsheet Five (Issue #62, pg.73) had to say about this issue:

"This zine is just a random hodge-podge of stuff, 
#5, August '97. Last issue Bonnie tackled the world 
of puppetry with extraordinary zeal. This time she's 
put together a remarkable collection of gender bending. 
Bonnie wrote and gathered 130 pages about drag queens, 
transvestites and transsexuals. It's mostly quite playful 
and fun, but not without a few serious things to say about 
sexuality and gender. One of my favorite pieces was the 
brief discussion about femininity and drag queens from 
a woman's point of view. Anna says that because being 
female is an everyday activity for her and that she has 
no choice in it, she often doesn't feel like going to the 
same lengths that transvestites do. Twenty pages are 
devoted to TV/TS movies that include 1929's Splinters 

(about WWI soldiers who fight in drag), Bugs Bunny's 
Rabbit of Seville, and all the Divine movies, 
even Bing Crosby as a crossdresser. Then we get an 
original interview with Grae Philips, book reviews, 
online sites, and a wonderful trans coloring book 
about a trip to the hospital. It's not likely that you'll 
ever see a more resourceful transvestite zine, 
so don't miss out on this one."

ISSUE #5 Queen:

Helpful Glossary Terms
Letters to GRRL
Verlene the Drag Queen's Tips for the Gym
Out-Girled by the Boys
Don't Let a Broken Tooth Ruin Your Smile
Famous Psychic is a 200-pound Drag Queen
Make-up for that nose
Wonders of Plastic Surgery
Nailpolish and Popcorn
What did she say?
The Many Shades of Grae
Dress up Leroy
Drag Queen Limericks
The Correct Way to Apply Your Make-up
Passing on the Street Quiz
Judge it by the Cover
Click and Drag
Sing Language ala Drag
What's Your Drag Name?
A Visit to the Hospital
Paper Pauly

If you'd like to buy this issue of Grrl please email me for details.

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