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July 23, 2007
The Real World: Darth Vader
Darth Vader walking through ship corridors, Force-choking co-workers and dueling annoying Jedi with his glowing lightsaber are all typical activities the Dark Lord of the Sith is known for. But Buenos Aires-based graphic designer Esteban Diácono decided to give fans a different glimpse of the every day life of Darth Vader as he is in the "real" world.
"I thought it would be funny to show Vader adapting to his new life," Diácono explains. "Being stuck in a helmet is not easy, but he wants to carry on with his life -- and that includes some adapting and adjustments. Of course, I wanted to do it in a very regular environment -- a simple apartment with an ugly kitchen. It's my place, by the way."
In this photo series you can see Vader getting ready for his work day in the usual fashion -- showering, putting toothpaste on his toothbrush, etc. And Harry Potter fans will be happy to know that even this Sith Lord can't wait to get to the end of The Deathly Hallows.
"He's enjoying the book, but finds Lord Voldemort to be a little less evil than expected," Diácono smiles.
Check out the photo series here:
The Real World: Darth Vader
July 19, 2007
You Can Draw: Star Wars at Celebration Europe
As usual, Matt Busch, Tom Hodges and myself had a blast meeting all of you at our latest book signing at Celebration Europe in London. We signed books, chatted with Star Wars fans and young artists, and of course Vader's Imperial forces crashed the event to make sure we were behaving ourselves.
Thanks again to DK Publishing (Lucinda, you rock!) for setting up the signing at Saturday and Sunday! We had so much fun meeting all of you!
July 14, 2007
Blogging from Celebration Europe
Needless to say covering the largest European Star Wars convention was a blast, but that first day there almost killed me. I was jet lagged for not being able to sleep on the plane so I stayed up for 36 hours, plus as soon as I landed I was hit with a massive allergy attack that made my eyes so puffy I could barely take photos or write when I got to the hotel near the ExCel Center in London. The receptionists at the hotel were anything but nice or friendly. In fact they seemed rather resentful for having to work at all. But I did get to see my old buddy Neil for a drink, and took as many photos as I could of fans in costume. And met some new people and old-pal bloggers for the first time.
So here's a highlight list:
Be sure to also check out our coverage of the event on the Official Starwars.com Blog here.
July 12, 2007
Birthday Fun on the Plane to Heathrow
So I finally did it. I'm making my way across the Pond to merry 'ol "red alert" England! I've been dreaming about visiting the UK ever since I lay sprawled across on our living room carpet transfixed by the TV featuring the intergalactic adventures of Dr. Who. Growing up in Kansas, I think I was convinced all aliens had British accents. Between Dr. Who and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I probably had good reason to believe it. Even the villains (except for Darth Vader) had British accents in Star Wars. Which brings me to why I'm headed to London.
Lucasfilm was kind enough to spend a few dimes to send me to Celebration Europe -- the biggest Star Wars convention in the UK -- actually the first official one. I'll be reporting for Starwars.com -- more specifically our Official Starwars.com Blog. In May I was at Celebration IV (our gigantic Star Wars convention in Los Angeles and that was one heck of a Fanstock, and I had a blast. I chatted with Jane Wieldlin from the Go-Go's, briefly became part of the Seth Green entourage, signed copies of my drawing book, became an honorary member of the 501st, flirted a little with Holmes Trooper, videotaped tons of footage of droids and slave Leias, photographed everything I saw and directed my first action film (technically I just ask a nice Lucasarts guy to pretend to run away from an Acklay.) So who knows what kind of trouble/fun/craziness I'll get into this time around?
What makes my first trip overseas even more fun today is that it's my 35th birthday! I always wanted to go to London and even though I'll only be there until July 16th, I can't wait to pack in as much fun as I can in between working at a convention. I get to see my old UK buddy Neil (sorry it took me this long to get the hell over there, Mate!) and friends from work that recently moved there. Oh and I totally plan on stalking Prince Harry. Just so ya know.
So stay tuned to my blog here and on the Official Starwars.com Blog for updates and weird stuff I come across. I can't wait!
And if you have any tips for this first-time traveler to the UK, let me know! So far I've been told that it's not wise to drink gin straight from the bottle at any pub or to try to kiss one of the Royal Guards (while he's on duty). But if you have a few more, I'm all ears -- and a big grin! ;-)
July 8, 2007
My Fanboy Field Guide in The Girls' Guide to Guys' Stuff
Be sure to pick up the new comic book anthology The Girls' Guide to Guys' Stuff from Friends of Lulu. Inside you'll find my "Star Wars Fan Boy Field Guide," illustrated by the talented Star Wars artist Cynthia Cummens.
The 176-page anthology features comics by over 50 female cartoonists presenting their takes on guys and their interests. The book will be available in comic shops in July. Pre-orders are being taken here at the Friends of Lulu site.
Also be sure to check out the The Girls' Guide to Guys' Stuff Myspace profile here.
July 7, 2007
Creating R2-S2 (Steampunk R2-D2)
When artist and animator I-Wei Huang builds robots he likes to mix his curiosity for electronics with his appreciation for the burgeoning genre of Steampunk. So when he recently unveiled his Steampunk R2-D2 known as R2-S2 (R2 Steam Too), fans and droid builders wanted to know more. Starwars.com's own Bonnie Burton tracked him down and picked his brain on how to turn everyone's favorite astromech into a Victorian-inspired machine.
Read my full interview here:
July 6, 2007
Me and my Plantar Fascia
ugh. My heels are killing me.
One pair of expensive insoles from the foot doc a month ago just aren't making a lick of difference. Another pair of cheaper insoles from the fancy shoe store, not helping either.
The first steps in the morning are the worst. If I rest my feet on the couch, or sit at a desk for awhile, and then try to walk -- ZING! PAIN! OUCH!
So much for having bionic feet....
July 5, 2007
Marc Ecko: Outfitting Rebel Scum in Style
A champion of the street artists' rights and acclaimed fashion designer, Marc Ecko is stepping into the far-away galaxy with a line of Star Wars threads worthy of a fashionista bounty hunter. "Star Wars is the gift that keeps on giving," Ecko says. "It is the most relevant fable of the last 100 years. Just when I think I am having pop culture fatigue, and I get sick of what I'm listening to or what I'm watching on my DVR, I tune into Star Wars. And there I am -- back to my adolescence, content, wide-eyed, and amazed by Hoth."
The saga captured Ecko's attention from the get-go, and completely captivated the imagination of an entire generation of upcoming artists, filmmakers, fashion designers and future iconoclasts. "The films hold up," Ecko says. "They are timeless. For me, I believe people are able to connect so deeply because at its core, Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction. There aren't the golden handcuffs of science fiction that often tends to over-intellectualize the simplicity and elegance of a narrative. It is a simple story that is transferable in real life. And George Lucas being so ambitious -- and wanting to change the laws of cinematic physics -- may have something to do with it enduring so long. He made a lifestyle brand, not a movie."
Read my full interview here: