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March 27, 2007
Saving Private TK-421
So what do I do when I'm not slaving over a hot laptop pushing pixels all day?
I'm playing with the action figures on my desk hoping to entertain the masses on Flickr and scare my coworkers at the same time. Thanks to some rather bloody-looking stormtroopers (courtesy of our diorama guy at ILM) I was able to do my best at making a Grindhouse version of Star Wars. Quentin Tarantino would be proud.
More photos here:
Saving Private TK-421
March 26,
Befriend my Blog Book!
Never Threaten To Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs -- edited by Bonnie Burton (me!!!) and Alan Graham -- features the most provocative online writing by unknown writers and underground celebs.
MTV's "The Real World" cast member Neil Forrester gives new meaning to the phrase "Bite your tongue." "Star Trek: The Next Generation" actor Wil Wheaton gives his take on the Hollywood system and fleeting stardom. Web designer Heather Hamilton finds herself in the unemployment line after publishing work stories in her blog, Dooce.com. Humorist Choire Sicha gives advice on broken hearts and timeshares. Illustrator Mark Frauenfelder throws out his cell phone and uproots his family from Los Angeles to the sandy beaches of Rarotonga.
Plus tales of creepy video store customers, online love lies, Iraqi politics, office pranks gone wrong, jury duty, a childhood meeting with Darth Vader and so much more.
Read all about my book here in my blog entry: Read My Book
And BEFRIEND my book here: Best of Blogs Myspace
March 22,
Tag -- Artoo is It!
When the new R2-D2 mailboxes made their debut this month, I couldn't help but feel proud. After working for Lucasfilm for almost 4 years now, it's no surprise that this job has turned me into an uber-geek. A new kind of geek girl that not only can spout off all the planets, characters and creatures that dwell in a galaxy far, far away (hey, it's my job to know these things) but I also have quite a soft spot for R2-D2. Then there's the lowbrow art fanatic in me who loves to walk the streets of San Francisco and spot a new stencil on the sidewalk or a cool urban mural that would put Picasso to shame. So when the R2-D2 mailbox outside our offices got tagged by the local graf crew, I was happy. The geek and guerrilla artist in me were finally on the same appreciation level. And it gave Artoo some street cred in the process. After all, since when was R2-D2 ever shiny and clean in any of the movies? Even in the awards ceremony at the end of A New Hope, he's still pretty banged up. But alas, the folks at work were horrified that our little driod was tagged and went out there and cleaned him up so he was all sparkly and ready for mail again. Oh well.
I still love him.
March 12,
Me on BoingBoing Podcast 10!
Episode #10 of the Boing Boing Boing podcast is out! I am the guest for this edition and I chat with Mark and Xeni about working for Lucasfilm and my site grrl.com, as well as my just-released book You Can Draw Star Wars. In the podcast, we probe the universe (and my brain), asking...